Chapter 6. libata SCSI translation/emulation

Table of Contents

ata_std_bios_param - generic bios head/sector/cylinder calculator used by sd.
ata_scsi_slave_config - Set SCSI device attributes
ata_scsi_error - SCSI layer error handler callback
ata_scsi_queuecmd - Issue SCSI cdb to libata-managed device
ata_scsi_simulate - simulate SCSI command on ATA device
ata_cmd_ioctl - Handler for HDIO_DRIVE_CMD ioctl
ata_task_ioctl - Handler for HDIO_DRIVE_TASK ioctl
ata_scsi_qc_new - acquire new ata_queued_cmd reference
ata_dump_status - user friendly display of error info
ata_to_sense_error - convert ATA error to SCSI error
ata_gen_fixed_sense - generate a SCSI fixed sense block
ata_scsi_start_stop_xlat - Translate SCSI START STOP UNIT command
ata_scsi_flush_xlat - Translate SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command
scsi_6_lba_len - Get LBA and transfer length
scsi_10_lba_len - Get LBA and transfer length
scsi_16_lba_len - Get LBA and transfer length
ata_scsi_verify_xlat - Translate SCSI VERIFY command into an ATA one
ata_scsi_rw_xlat - Translate SCSI r/w command into an ATA one
ata_scsi_translate - Translate then issue SCSI command to ATA device
ata_scsi_rbuf_get - Map response buffer.
ata_scsi_rbuf_put - Unmap response buffer.
ata_scsi_rbuf_fill - wrapper for SCSI command simulators
ata_scsiop_inq_std - Simulate INQUIRY command
ata_scsiop_inq_00 - Simulate INQUIRY EVPD page 0, list of pages
ata_scsiop_inq_80 - Simulate INQUIRY EVPD page 80, device serial number
ata_scsiop_inq_83 - Simulate INQUIRY EVPD page 83, device identity
ata_scsiop_noop - Command handler that simply returns success.
ata_msense_push - Push data onto MODE SENSE data output buffer
ata_msense_caching - Simulate MODE SENSE caching info page
ata_msense_ctl_mode - Simulate MODE SENSE control mode page
ata_msense_rw_recovery - Simulate MODE SENSE r/w error recovery page
ata_scsiop_mode_sense - Simulate MODE SENSE 6, 10 commands
ata_scsiop_read_cap - Simulate READ CAPACITY[ 16] commands
ata_scsiop_report_luns - Simulate REPORT LUNS command
ata_scsi_set_sense - Set SCSI sense data and status
ata_scsi_badcmd - End a SCSI request with an error
atapi_xlat - Initialize PACKET taskfile
ata_scsi_find_dev - lookup ata_device from scsi_cmnd
ata_scsi_pass_thru - convert ATA pass-thru CDB to taskfile
ata_get_xlat_func - check if SCSI to ATA translation is possible
ata_scsi_dump_cdb - dump SCSI command contents to dmesg